Ireth - The Star Mistress

Ireth (eer-ith), the Starmistress, the Stargazer, the Verdant Mantle, is the goddess of the night sky, woodlands, and magic. She is the patroness of  astronomers, navigators, and woodsmen who respect the balance of nature. Ireth is the primary deity worshipped by the elves of Áereth. The elven race was fashioned in her image, reflecting her virtues, love of  knowledge and art, and fascination with magic. Though possessed of a disciplined mind, Ireth is nevertheless whimsical, a trait bestowed upon the elves at their creation.

Eschewing formal temples, the Stargazer's places of worship take many forms, from hallowed forest glades open to the sky to stargazing observatories and sky-lit libraries. Elves, studious wizards, and those who look beyond Áereth itself into  the stars themselves all pay their respects to the Starmistress. She is a mystic deity who embodies both worldliness and the unearthly mysteries of existence itself.

is the eldest child of Choranus  and Ildavir. When she is rendered in religious art, Ireth appears as a slender wizard in modest, voluminous robes with long, flowing tresses. She is often shown with a spellbook in hand and a sheathed sword at her  hip—or else wielding the sword with the book under one arm. She is typically depicted as elven, half-elven, or human.

The domains associated with Ireth are Air, Animal, Earth, Good, Knowledge, and Magic. Her favored weapon is the longsword and her symbol is a pair of eyes with starflecked pupils.
